Compliance and Incident Reporting System at Rödl & Partner


Compliance is an essential element of successful corporate management and means more​ to Rödl & Partner than just adherence to the law. Ethical conduct and compliance with our Global Code of Conduct, as well as other internal guidelines and regulations, are the cornerstones of our actions and must be practiced accordingly.​ We also see compliance as a risk prevention tool. Our aim is to establish comprehensive protection and monitoring mecha​​nisms in order to identify and prevent compliance violations at an early stage. In this way, we secure the trust of our clients and stake​​holders in the long term.

Our principles and compliance requirements are promoted, monitored and enforced by an effective Compliance Management System (CMS). We continuously improve and develop our structures, processes and measures so that we comply with all legal, regulatory and ethical standards at the highest level. 

Global Code of Conduct

​The Global Code of Conduct serves as a guideline for all business decisions and actions and shapes our principles and values in the long term. It applies internationally to the entire management team, all partners and all employees equally. 

Integrity, honesty, fairness and respect are at the heart of our business activities. All clients can rely on us to maintain the highest standards and act as a loyal business partner. 

You can find the Global Code of Conduct here:

Trust and Transparency​

We are aware of our special responsibility and promote openness, transparency and trust by providing our secure reporting channel not only for our clients, employees and partners, but also for affected parties outside Rödl & Partner and within our supply chains. Information on potential grievances or violations can also be reported anonymously. We have set up the following reporting channel to create a protected space for such information and to fulfil the legal requirements of the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz; hereinafter referred to as LkSG):​​


​​We are interested in an open dialogue with our stakeholders. If you have any questions about our compliance practices or would like further information, we are happy to assist you.​


Contact Person Picture

Felix Madeja

Managing Partner

+49 911 9193 1010

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Group General Counsel

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Kathrin Rosenberg


+49 911 9193 2213

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Compliance Manager

Contact Person Picture

Patrick Neubauer

+49 911 9193 1733

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