Rödl & Partner is Czech Law Firm of the year 2019 and an award winning firm eight times in a row


published on 21 November 2019


Rödl & Partner has once again succeeded at the prestigious Law Firm of the Year Awards. We won the 2019 Law Firm of the Year Award for Tax Law and in so doing have succeeded in defending our position eight times in a row. Rödl & Partner has also been acclaimed a Highly Recommended Law Firm in Logistics and Transportation Engineering.  


Tax law holds a prominent position at Rödl & Partner. It is covered not only by the firm's lawyers but also by its tax advisors and business consultants. Through this multidisciplinary approach, bringing together professionals with various fields of expertise, Rödl & Partner is able to offer its clients comprehensive solutions that address all legal, business-related and accounting aspects of tax law. 


"Naturally, we are honoured to have been awarded the 2019 Law Firm of the Year Award for Tax Law. It is an unprecedented success. I am very glad that our Firm is one of the best in the field and that the market sees us as experts in tax law, which we have been specialising in since day one. Yet the award brings with it ever increasing commitment and effort on our part. Staying ahead of the game in today's competitive world of tax law experts will not be easy," says Petr Novotný, the managing partner of Rödl & Partner. 


The overall attention paid to tax law has also been on the rise among attorneys. They have come to realize that tax law, and tax procedure in particular, has come to constitute an important part of Czech law and is no longer a field best left to experts in economics and tax advisors.


Petr Novotný gratefully acknowledges that Rödl & Partner has also been recognised as a Highly Recommended Law Firm in Logistics and Transportation Engineering, which confirms the good work the Firm has been doing in a branch the Firm is new to.


An expert team of attorneys has been specialising in transport law for almost the past 20 years. "It is primarily thanks to our extensive and considerable experience that we are well aware of and clearly understand the specifics, practice and problems companies involved in logistics have to face on a daily basis. We can provide them with efficient, qualified help and support and consult them in all areas of their business," explains Alice Kubová Bártková, team leader.


From left to right: Miroslav Kocman, Monika Novotná, Jakub Šotník


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JUDr. Petr Novotný, Ph.D.


+420 2 3616 3770

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