WirtschaftsWoche: Rödl & Partner Top Law Firm for Compliance 2012


Top Law Firm 2012: Ulrike Grube and Rödl & Partner won accolades from “WirtschaftsWoche”, Germany’s largest business magazine, in the category of “Compliance”.
After months of research and analyses, an independent jury assessed the German compliance sector applying four equally-weighted criteria: demonstrable success, many years' expertise, team strength and specialisation. Auf der Basis monatelanger Recherchen und Analysen bewertete eine unabhängige Jury die deutsche Compliance-Branche anhand vier gleichgewichteter Kriterien: nachweisbare Erfolge, langjährige Erfahrung, Stärke des Teams sowie Spezialisierung.
Result: Ulrike Grube from Rödl & Partner was selected as one of Germany's 25 top lawyers in the area of compliance.
“This is a great and spectacular success of our entire Compliance Team. This award is a testament to our engagement and, at the same time, an incentive for the future”, says Ulrike Grube. “We will do our best to offer our clients the best possible support also in the future.”



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Ulrike Grube


+49 911 9193 1999

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