
Three independent nations, domestic markets with distinctive features – the Baltic States have emerged as an attractive economic region in Northern Europe, spanning a bridge to Scandinavia.  The Baltic market is endowed with a highly educated​ and technically keen labour force, modern infrastructure and a liberal economy. However, the challenges posed by changes in the global economy require further adjustments which simultaneously offer opportunities for foreign companies to tap into the Baltic market. 

Estonia has long ceased to be Finland's prosperous “younger brother”: besides its undisputed role as a link between the Baltics and Scandinavia, Estonia has b​ecome a small but exquisite location for international services and a high-tech hub. The IT industry has reached a cutting-edge level and the booming business tourism and purchasing power of nearby Helsinki have created a real estate market of unprecedented size. An investment-friendly taxation system and the well-educated –  often multilingual – population make this small country an attractive business location.

We provide professional services in Estonia from our wholly owned office in Tallinn. More than 35 multilingual professionals support companies in the structuring and restructuring of their engagement in the Baltic States – comprehensively and from a single source.


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Alice Salumets


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Jens-Christian Pastille

Attorney at Law (Germany, Latvia)


+371 6733 8125

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Rödl & Partner Tallinn

Maakri 23a
10145 Tallinn

+372 6 8056 20
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