

In recent years, Chennai, capital city of the federal state of Tamil Nadu (formerly Madras) in the south of India, has developed to become an ever more important investment location for German and European companies with international operations.
Chennai is one of the 3 most important locations in India for the international automotive industry and in addition has also successfully managed to attract well-known companies in the mechanical engineering, information technology and service sectors. The growth of Chennai has been very much helped due to the fact that it has its own harbour.
We support our clients in Chennai with our own office in close cooperation with our branch office in


Rödl & Partner Chennai

Fagun Towers, 8th Floor, Office No. 3
No, 74, Ethiraj Salai
Chennai 600008
Tamil Nadu

+91 44 6926 3200

Contact in Chennai

Contact Person Picture

Rahul Oza

Partner, Office head

+91 44 4028 2506

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