
Alongside rich cultural attractions, Padua, one of the oldest cities in Italy, also offers  optimum economic conditions for investors. Due to its favourable location at the banks of the Brenta and Bacchiglione rivers, Padua very early developed into one of Italy's key trade and economic centres. Today, Padua's economy is driven by both tourism and the sale of handicrafts, mainly glassware, iron and ceramic products. 
Rödl & Partner is present in Padua with a wholly owned office. Our local team of multilingual professionals assists German, Italian and multinational enterprises in their business ventures in Italy, providing comprehensive advice on all issues related to company, trade, administration, international and renewably energy law.


Rödl & Partner Padua

Via Francesco Rismondo 2/E
35131 Padua

+39 049 8046 911

Contact in Padua

Contact Person Picture

Flavio Caggiula


+39 049 8046 911

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