
Rome – the Eternal City – is the capital of Italy and the country's largest city. Since World War II, Rome has been one of Italy's most dynamic commercial centres. The city's economy is primarily driven by the services sector, with wholesale and retail trade also playing an important role. Textiles, souvenirs, foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals, machinery, stationery and metalware are all common products of the Roman industry. In our Rome office, our interdisciplinary team of German and Italian experts supports mainly enterprises from German-speaking countries that operate in Italy via subsidiaries and offices, carry out one-off projects or want to gain a foothold in the Italian market.  Our focus lies on renewable energies, mergers & acquisitions (M&A), as well as matters concerning administration, banking and company law. We also provide financial and payroll accounting services for subsidiaries  and advisory in all issues pertaining to employment law.


Rödl & Partner Rome

Piazza S. Anastasia, 7
00186 Rome

+39 06 9670 1270

Contact in Rome

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Roberto Pera


+39 06 9670 1270

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