

​​​​​Situated in Central Asia and bestowed with abundant crude oil and natural gas resources, Kazakhstan continues to attract the attention of foreign investors

and with each passing year it becomes a more attractive destination for businesses from German-speaking countries, particularly the German Mittelstand.

Within the industrial innovation framework launched by the Republic of Kazakhstan, various German investments and advanced technologies in the non-resources sector, as well as those aimed at developing the construction, tourism, agriculture, transport infrastructure, petrochemicals, foodstuffs and textiles industries have been implemented. Most recently, the Kazakh government has set an investment strategy for the next five years, which among others should promote the development of infrastructure.

From our own Rödl & Partner office in Almaty and since 2009, our team of multilingual Kazakh and German lawyers, auditors and tax consultants provides our clients with comprehensive professional services in all issues related to investments and projects in one of the most important future markets perched between Europe and Asia.

 Country website Kazakhstan

More information about Rödl & Partner in Kazakhstan:​




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Michael Quiring

Attorney at Law (Germany)

Partner, Office head

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Managing Partner

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Prof. Dr. Christian Rödl, LL.M. (Columbia University, New York)

Managing Partner

+49 911 9193 1000

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Rödl & Partner Kazakhstan

Almaty, Kazakhstan
BC "Almaty Residence"
Auezova 60, 10 Floor,
050008 Almaty

+7 727 3560 655
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