

​​​​​​​​The relatively small Slovenian market plays a key role as the "gate to the Balkans". Good economic and trade relations with the countries of the former Yugoslavia that are rooted in history, a labour market offering a well-educated, often multilingual workforce and a legal system compliant with EU standards make Slovenia an ideal gateway to South Eastern Europe, especially for trading and services companies wishing to establish a presence in the region. This favourable position was further strengthened by Slovenia's accession to the EU in 2004.


We render our services in the Slovenian market through a team of bilingual experts based in Ljubljana. The majority of our clients are German and Austrian direct investors in the audit and tax fields.  


With close knowledge of the Slovenian market and specific foreign investment issues, we are able to provide optimum services to our clients. Due to longstanding collaboration with our affiliated lawyers, we support our clients in all audit, law and tax related issues.


We offer a vast array of advisory services for a broad range of clients with diverse needs. Alongside audit and tax, the focus of our services in Slovenia lies on company formation and company and share acquisition.


Our services in Slovenia comprise:
  • conducting audits of annual financial statements, special audits, audits of internal control systems, compliance audits
  • restating annual financial statements and periodic reporting to comply with HGB, US-GAAP and IAS
  • conducting feasibility studies and the preparation of business plans
  • conducting financial, tax & legal due diligence and business appraisals
  • assisting in company formation and joint-venture agreements
  • assisting in contractual arrangement of business and share acquisitions
  • drawing up employment and secondment contracts
  • consulting in national tax and customs matters


Beyond these topics Rödl & Partner works together with GPSA members.


Contact Person Picture

Radu-Dragos Dobrescu

Partner, Office head

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Managing Partner

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Renata Kabas-Komorniczak

Managing Partner

+48 22 6962 800

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Rödl & Partner Ljubljana

Litostrojska cesta 44d
1000 Ljubljana

+386 1 6204 290
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