

Johannesburg is South Africa's main economic hub. With the opening of our office in the eastern part of the city in 2008, we were among the first German professional firms to gain a foothold in the African continent.


The focus of the Rödl & Partner team in Johannesburg is on assisting subsidiaries of German companies in the auditing of annual statements, transactions and on-going administrative, legal and tax issues concerning their business engagement in South Africa. Our team of experienced South African and German auditors, lawyers and tax consultants is always on hand to support you.


Rödl & Partner Johannesburg

1 Eastgate Lane Bedfordview 2007
PO Box 346 Bedfordview 2008

+27 11 4793 000

Contact in Johannesburg

Contact Person Picture

Dieter Sommer


+27 11 4793 000

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