
​​​​​​​​​With one of the lowest tax burdens both on individuals and legal entities worldwide, Switzerland is one of the world's most attractive places to do business, continually taking one of the top spots in numerous country ranking indexes. A large number of global corporations manage their international investments from their head offices in Switzerland. More and more corporate groups are establishing manufacturing and sales companies as well as special purpose entities in the Swiss Confederation. In 2007 Rödl & Partner established a wholly-owned office in Zurich that supports clients operating in all four linguistic regions of Switzerland. Multilingual Swiss and German lawyers, tax consultants, auditors and finance and accounting experts liaise with each other in interdisciplinary teams to provide their clients with end-to-end advisory services. Owing to our many years' experience in providing advisory services, we are well-versed with the specific challenges and opportunities of the Swiss market. We are able to provide superior services to our clients, especially as we can call upon our international know-how and unified standards.  Our clients include subsidiaries of large European retail traders, international manufacturers of machinery and equipment, well-known brand manufacturers and a large number of services providers. The Rödl & Partner team in Zurich also assists a fast growing number of Swiss medium-sized and globally active companies.
Rödl & Partner has restructured its legal advisory services in Switzerland. Since 1 October 2018 the legal advisory of Rödl & Partner clients will be managed together with the cooperation partner Barbier Habegger Rödl Rechtsanwälte AG

 Country Website Switzerland


Rödl & Partner Switzerland

Flurstrasse 55
8048 Zurich

+41 44 749 55 55


Contacts in Switzerland

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Sebastian Repetz

Certified Public Auditor (Switzerland), Country Manager Switzerland at Rödl & Partner


+41 44 749 55 45

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Business process outsourcing

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Rosella Lardi

+41 44 749 55 57

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Philipp Oelkuch

Certified Public Auditor (Switzerland)


+41 44 749 55 06

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Tax consulting

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Patrick Jurt

Certified Tax Expert (Switzerland)


+41 44 749 55 58

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Managing Partner

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Nicola Lohrey

Managing Partner

+33 1 5692 3125

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