Partner cities: Kharkiv-Nuremberg

​​​​​​​​​​​We are committed to tolerance, understanding, encounters and help for those in need – all over the world. The partnership between Kharkiv and Nuremberg is particularly close to our hearts.
Before Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine, we regularly supported the “Nuremberg House” in Kharkiv, which for 25 years has strengthened civil society with language courses, cultural events, youth encounters and further education measures. It brought together Ukrainians and Germans, Nuremberg and Kharkiv citizens and had a major impact on a better partnership between East and West. Since the outbreak of the war, the partnership association's constant and comprehensive aid has included, in particular, food and hygiene packages for the needy, the procurement of medical technology and generators and the reconstruction of infrastructure. The “Nuremberg House”, initiated by Bernd Rödl, plays a leading role in the network of our Kharkiv partners who provide and distribute aid locally. 

For more information on the Kharkiv-Nuremberg city partnership or many other projects please visit »​​


Contact Person Picture

Dr. Michael Rödl

Head of Human Resources

+49 911 9193 1787

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