Rödl AIF depositary services



More protection and transparency for your investors – excellent flexibility for you!

According to the requirements of the German capital investment code, alternative investment funds (AIF), and also those which are exclusively oriented towards professional and semi-professional investors (special AIF), require a depositary. After publication of the alternative investment fund manager (AIFM) guidelines, Rödl & Partner decided early on to found a company offering a depositary service and to offer this service to complement the range of services in the area of investments (AIF).


In figures

  • Founded: 2013
  • German Federal financial supervisory authority approval: 2014
  • Employees: 8
  • Clients including special AIF: 21
  • Managed investment assets: 1 billion euros

We as the depositary at Rödl & Partner

  • We are part of the investment triangle and have to stay strictly separate from the manager of the investment funds and the capital management company.
  • A depositary company provides supervision for the application of funds with closed investments to ensure legitimacy.
  • Our obligations with regard to the provision of the depositary are governed by sections §§ 80 ff. of the German capital investment code and are subject to special procedural and organisational obligations which are designed to maintain a higher level of investor protection.
  • We are part of Rödl & Partner, a family-owned company founded in 1977 and are therefore able to call on the services of professional experts in the areas of legal advisory, tax consulting, business process outsourcing, management and IT consulting and auditing. Today, Rödl & Partner employs more than 5,800 employees in 110 own offices in around 50 countries.
  • Supervise, approve, manage: we offer more protection and transparency for your investors.


Rödl AIF Verwahrstelle GmbH Steuerberatungsgesellschaft

Kehrwieder 9
20457 Hamburg

+49 40 2292 976 01


Contact Person Picture

Dr. Ralf Ellerbrok


+49 402 2929 7500

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