7th ASEAN Forum in Singapore



Southeast Asia continues to be one of the most diverse, vibrant and colorful regions in the world. This also applies to the regional business environment – with all the manifold opportunities and challenges that go with it. Successfully doing business in Southeast Asia requires an open-minded cultural understanding and an adaptable, quick-thinking decision-making capacity. To gain a sustainable foothold in ASEAN markets with their multi-facetted rules and dynamics, your business practices and entrepreneurial decisions constantly need to be adapted to the changing regulatory, tax and market environment. In light of increasingly strict compliance requirements, rather tensed trade politics and their effects that continue to shape todays economic and political landscape in Southeast Asia, economic resilience and sustainable success are based more than ever on the ability to diversify and deepen regional and international partnerships, and on de-risking rather than de-coupling strategies. We are looking forward to an exciting exchange of thoughts with you.

Join us in our  7th ASEAN Forum on 25 April 2024!

Our experts in the fields of audit, tax, legal and BPO from Bangkok, Hanoi, Ho-Chi-Minh City, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Singapore and Yangon are looking forward to answer your questions relating to ASEAN business opportunities and challenges, to offer valuable insights and interdisciplinary top-level expertise. They are strongly supported by experienced representatives of a range of business sectors who will be sharing their hands-on regional experience with you.

Benefit from our presentations and practice insights on various ASEAN specific topics, get comprehensive answers to complex questions, discover new potentials for your individual business and avail yourself of the opportunity to create new cross-border synergies. 



Contact Person Picture

Bettina Herzog

+49 221 9499 093 40

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