Advisory and digital services



GATE is a communications, documentation and management platform, helping coordinate the audits of consolidated financial statements all around the world. It is an innovative client portal solution for the audit area and creates a client-focused, digital client experience. To portal »

 Mobility Radar

The Mobility Radar reliably supports companies with tracking, analysing and evaluating all cross-border employee assignments in terms of permanent establishment, wage tax and social security. The intuitive dashboard provides an overview of the tax status and points out potential as well as existing risks and need for action. Mobility Radar ensures maximum transparency and convenience and offers comprehensive compliance support. More »


With opeka, Rödl & Partner has developed a coherent and comprehensive tool for the objective and transparent determination of personnel requirements. The online application presents all complex parameters of HOAI and AHO for determining fees, such as cost categories, price zones, project or performance phases. More » (in German)


PAID is our payroll accounting tool. It enables the client to control and consolidate global settlement runs. This is accomplished in a simple structured overview of the settlement runs with the help of a uniform workflow. PAID provides a clear overview of countries and companies. More »


PORT is a flexible and cross-border support tool for consulting and tax compliance projects, among other types of client engagements. At a glance, PORT provides a global overview and enables management of projects and their progress – for both our clients and employees. To portal »


To ensure the secure and comfortable exchange of documents and files with our clients we provide access to the transfer platform RDoX (Rödl & Partner Document Exchange). For those on the move, apps for smartphones or tablets are also available (iOS » und Android »). Login »


The most comprehensive information system for combined legal and technical issues in facility management. It includes content from more than 2,000 regulatory policies which are analysed on an ongoing basis and processed for ease of understanding. More » (in German)


With RENEREX, Rödl & Partner provides renewable energy project developers and investors with a platform for the secure exchange of project-related information. Project developers retain full control in deciding what information they share and with which potential investors. More »


RExPort is an information system for expats and their employers. The portal enables the recording and evaluation of business trip data. Moreover, it allows for smooth data exchange to prepare personal income tax returns for employees worldwide. To portal » (in German)


A client should require a single username-password combination to use all our software products. Rödl-ID was developed with this vision in mind: it is a tool which centrally manages identities granted to our clients by us. Naturally with high modern security standards like OpenID, OAuth 2.0, and multifactor authentication. 

 Please click here to download the ​User Documentation »​​

 contract generator

The contract generator tool helps draft contracts and agreements. Simply select a template and adjust it directly in your browser. In this process, you will be guided step-by-step to the appropriate contract text which you can download and print as a word document. More »

 WFA Assistant

The WFA Assistant enables your employees to work from anywhere in the world in compliance with legal and tax regulations – simple, smart & secure. The quick check tool screens Work From Anywhere requests efficiently for potential tax, social security and immigration law risks. After a comprehensive check and evaluation, the assignment can be approved immediately or, if necessary, after the specific measures recommended by the WFA Assistant have been taken. More »


Contact Person Picture

Felix Madeja

Managing Partner

+49 911 9193 1010

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