Non-repayable grant for large enterprises: applications until 13 December 2021


published on 29 November 2021 | reading time approx. 2 minutes

The provision of the Revenue Agency of 13 October 2021 approved the application to be sent for the request of the non-refundable contribution intended for taxpayers who, in 2019, have earned revenues or compensation exceeding Euro 10 million but less than Euro 15 million.

Article 1, paragraph 30-bis, of Decree Law 73/2021 (the so-called “Support-bis” Decree) provided for a non-repayable contribution dedicated to subjects:
  • that had revenues/income in 2019 of between Euro 10 million and Euro 15 million;
  • holders of an active VAT number on 25 July 2021;
  • resident or established in the territory of the State.

Individuals with the above characteristics may:
  • apply exclusively for the non-refundable contribution provided for by Article 1 of DL 41/2021 (the so-called “Support” Decree). This contribution may be requested on condition that the average monthly amount of turnover and fees for the year 2020 is at least 30 per cent. lower than the average monthly amount of turnover and fees for 2019. The amount of the non-refundable contribution provided by the Support Decree is equal to 20 per cent of the difference between the average monthly amount of turnover and fees for the year 2020 and the average monthly amount of turnover and fees for the year 2019. In this case, the automatic non-refundable contribution governed by the Sostegni-bis Decree is also due for an amount equal to the non-refundable contribution recognized under the Sostegni Decree;
  • request jointly:
    • the above non-repayable grant provided for in the Support Decree;
    • the alternative non-refundable contribution, governed by Article 1 paragraphs 5-13 of the Support-bis Decree, the amount of which is equal to the amount obtained by applying the percentage of 20 per cent. to the difference between the average monthly amount of turnover and fees for the period from 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021 and the average monthly amount of turnover and fees for the period from 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020. It is also necessary that the average monthly amount of turnover and fees for the period from 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021 is at least 30 per cent lower than the average monthly amount of turnover and fees for the period from 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020. This solution is feasible when the amount of the above-mentioned “alternative” contribution is higher than the automatic contribution granted, in any case, to the taxpayers who have requested and obtained the non-repayable contribution provided for by the Support Decree;
  • to apply only for the alternative non-refundable contribution governed by the Sostegni-bis Decree.  Such contribution is calculated by applying the percentage of 30 per cent to the difference between the average monthly amount of turnover and fees for the period from 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021 and the average monthly amount of turnover and fees for the period from 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020. Taxpayers who have an average monthly amount of turnover and consideration for the period from 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021 that is at least 30 per cent lower than the average monthly amount of turnover and consideration for the period from 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020 may apply for the aforementioned alternative contribution.

In order to obtain the non-repayable contribution, interested parties must submit a special online application to the Revenue Agency:
  • 14 October 2021 to 13 December 2021;
  • directly or through authorized intermediaries;
  • using the approved template;
  • telematically, through the telematic channels of the Revenue Agency.

The non-repayable contribution can be, at the choice of the taxpayer, alternatively recognized by the Revenue Agency:
  • by direct crediting of a bank or postal account in the name (or jointly) of the taxpayer;
  • in the form of a tax credit, to be used exclusively by offsetting pursuant to Article 17 of Legislative Decree number 241/97, by submitting the F24 form through the telematic services made available by the Revenue Agency.



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