Sustainable Supply Chains


Opportunities and challenges for our clients

For a long time, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) was merely a question of voluntary engagement on the part of companies. However, in recent years the legal framework for a responsible corporate governance has notably shifted from “soft law” to a “hard law” environment with mandatory due diligence obligations that consider a protection of human rights and more and more also climate and environmental impacts in global value chains. In this regard, the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Law (short: LkSG) is only one step on the journey to more transparent supply chains, albeit a very substantial one for the traditionally highly internationalized German medium-sized companies. 

Starting with the applicable legal framework, which may vary considerably depending on the concerned company's location, business activities, industry, sourced goods or services and the target markets, through to the individual sustainability requirements of the company and its business partners, customers and consumers, numerous aspects must be taken into account when designing and implementing successful supply chain compliance measures. 

In this extremely dynamic environment, our interdisciplinary and international team of supply chain experts navigates the legal landscape for our clients and provides valuable insights into suitable measures and strategies in the individual corporate context. Working closely with other specialist departments, our supply chain legal experts also help to implement management systems and software tools and exploit synergy effects - for a maximum of efficiency and compliance.

Our legal services at a glance

Our interdisciplinary and international team of supply chain experts supports you in generating genuine added-value for your company from the increasing regulatory requirements, while keeping a close eye on the necessary legal reliability. As dedicated caretakers, we are at your side and accompany you on your path to more sustainable value chains. From the initial risk analysis to the design and implementation of an effective and appropriate risk management system to dealing with high-risk cases - the solutions we develop together with you are practical and tailormade for SMEs.

Our legal service portfolio in detail

  • Assessment of the legal scope of the LkSG, even in complex group structures
  • Comprehensive advice on the legal requirements of LkSG, in particular in connection with an establishment or expansion of risk and compliance management systems on supply chain due diligence obligations, the conduct of mandatory risk analyses as well as documentation and reporting obligations
  • Legal case-by-case advice on suitable preventive and remedial measures, including a revision of the contractual relationships with suppliers and customers as well as the preparation or review of policy statements, guidelines and supplier codes of conduct
  • Carrying out of supplier due diligence in high-risk situations worldwide
  • Advice on LkSG-relevant issues in the context of transactions and the structuring of joint ventures
  • Legally robust crisis communication in connection with official inspections, complaints or acute events of risk or damage in the supply chain or the own business organization
  • Legal support in dealing with the competent public authorities and court proceedings in connection with LkSG as well as other supply chain-related regulations.

Interdisciplinary challenges for our clients

Successful supply chain compliance requires an integrated, interdisciplinary and international collaboration within the corporate structures of concerned companies. Advice on sustainable supply chains can only successfully withstand the stress test in a practical application if the complex challenges of our clients are answered with holistic solution concepts.

Consequently, we at Rödl & Partner work in interdisciplinary and (where necessary) international teams of experts on holistic supply chain solutions for our clients.

The "Rödl & Partner" approach considers the design and implementation of the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Law (LkSG) as well as other supply chain regulations from a strategic point of view as an integrated and customized management system.

Our interdisciplinary service portfolio at a glance

Our interdisciplinary and international team of supply chain experts supports you in generating genuine added-value for your company from the increasing regulatory requirements. You benefit from our seamless advisory approach, which combines legal expertise with business considerations and guarantees a tailormade design of supply chain due diligence obligations in the individual company context.

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