Myanmar and Covid-19: Closing of all factories in Yangon until an official inspection of work spaces


​​​​published on 20 April 2020 | reading time approx. 2 minutes


By announcement on the 19th April 2020, all factories and manufactures in Yangon have to remain closed with effect of 20th April 2020 and until an official inspection of the work space to examine the compliance with Covid-19 related regulations.




Further details have not been announced yet, for example if factories are allowed to continue production immediately after the inspection or if this regulation also is applicable for offices and shops. Because the Food- and Pharmaceutical industry is affected by this regulation as well, a timely clarification by authorities is expected.


The Ministry of Health and Sports classifies Covid-19 as an infectious disease according to the Control of Communicable Diseases Law 1995 and thus employers are obligated to report any positively tested employee to the respective authorities.

Non-compliance can result in penalties and/or up to 6 months of imprisonment.


Furthermore, employers are obligated to:

  • maintain enough space between employees (at least 3 feet)
  • provide sufficient hand sanitizer and possibilities to wash hands
  • measure the temperature of employees when they enter the work space
  • arrange safe alternative transportation for employees
  • send employees with symptoms immediately back home/a testing facility


In case a Company has to shut down operations temporarily because of Covid-19, a suspension of the filing of the Social Security Contributions can be applied for.


Further regulations regarding tax filings are expected soon.


On April 20th, there were 111 confirmed Covid-19 cases and 5 Corona related deaths.

 From the article series


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Tobias Alker

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+95 9252 8910 12

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