Croatia launches a new website designed to reduce congestion at border crossings and shorten the waiting time for crossing the state border


published on 4 June 2020 | reading time approx. 1,5 minutes


Starting 1 of June the Croatian Government amend the decision on the temporary ban on the border crossing in the Republic of Croatia.



Due to the satisfactory epidemiological situation, citizens of EU Member States such as Slovenia, Hungary, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Germany will not have to prove the reason for their entry into the Republic of Croatia (for example, business, economic, tourism etc). The tourists coming from this country’s will be able to enter the same conditions as before the start of covid-19, but still with epidemiological control and the obligation to comply with the general and special recommendations of the Croatian Institute of Public Health.

Upon entry into the Republic of Croatia of citizens of these states, their entry will be recorded with the collection of additional data (such as destination, mobile phone number and e-mail address), for the possible need to contact for epidemiological reasons.

In order to reduce congestion at border crossings and shorten the waiting time for crossing the state border, the Croatian authorities recommend foreign citizens who intend to stay in Croatia to submit their data via the website The website has a form available in Croatian and English, and over the next few days it will be available in many other languages, and in the same languages passengers will receive instructions related to epidemiological recommendations (for example in German Slovenian, Hungarian, Czech, Slovak, Polish and other languages). More precisely everything will be available in over ten different languages.

The data submitted via the website will be retrieved to the National State Border Management Information System when scanning the travel document. Therefore, there will be no need for additional detention at the border crossing to provide the necessary information, because the border police will have this information in the system. With the mentioned link, through this page, citizens will receive a return confirmation of the received announcement and all the necessary information related to the instructions and recommendations of the Croatian Institute of Public Health to their e-mail address.

Passengers who do not submit their data in advance via the website will be able to do all this at the border crossing when entering the Republic of Croatia, but they will need a longer waiting time in a separate lane, wherever the border crossing infrastructure meets.

 From the article series


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