Covid-19: Portugal is fifth in the world in vaccination rankings


published on 2 September 2021 | reading time approx. 1 minute


Portugal is now in 5th place and 2nd among European Union countries, where the average vaccination rate is 57 percent. At the end of August, Portugal had already 73.87 percent of its inhabitants fully inoculated against Covid-19 and only 10.9 percent with one dose received, which makes a total of 84.77 percent and puts the country ahead of the vaccination process according to Our World in Data.



Nevertheless, if we look only at complete vaccination, Portugal is in second place in the European ranking, only surpassed by Malta: where around 80 percent have already been fully vaccinated.


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Source:, 31 August 2021


In Portugal, the vaccination campaign against covid-19 started on 27 December 2020, and single-dose (Janssen) and double-dose (Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna and AstraZeneca) vaccines are currently administered.


Please note that Covid vaccination in Portugal is not compulsory. However, the majority of Portuguese have voluntarily chosen to be vaccinated. With fewer and fewer people to vaccinate, the rate of inoculations has fallen to almost half of that recorded at the beginning of July


It is expected that in 3 weeks 85 percent of the Portuguese will have been fully vaccinated, which will allow Portugal to move on to the last step of the deconfinement and thus regain some normality.

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