Italy: Shorter Deadline for Transfer Pricing Documentation


published on 11. Januar 2024 | reading time approx. 0,5 minutes

Italian Tax Authorities have determined a new deadline for the submission of the tax return for fiscal year 2023: 9 month after year end closing.

As an example, a taxpayer closing fiscal year 2023 on 31 December must submit the tax return for the respective period by 30 September 2024. As the deadline for the submission of the tax return is generally also the deadline for the finalization of the Transfer Pricing Documentation, this means that in general taxpayers must finalize the Transfer Pricing Documentation (i.e.: Master File, Local File and all necessary analyses, including benchmark analyses) for fiscal year 2023 by the end of September 2024. As such, it is highly recommended to start preparing the Italian Transfer Pricing Documentation right away. 


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