Renerex: 2 years of experience in the operation of Renerex


Interview with Kai Imolauer

  1. Where did the idea of RENEREX come from?

    Rödl & Partner has been committed to assist investors and project developers in the area of renewable energy at home and abroad for almost 20 years – you could say that it all started in Germany as the German RES-Act was enacted, and then developed to become a global consulting market. Therefore, we regularly receive enquiries from project developers who search for investors to finance their projects, and enquiries from investors looking for projects. Moreover, the competition for attractive investment opportunities specifically on the European renewable energy market is continuously increasing, as is the significance of renewable energies in developing and emerging countries. That's why we came up with the idea of Renerex, a matching platform which constitutes an international and cross-technology online marketplace for RE projects, which we provide for free to investors and project developers all over the world.

  2. What added value does RENEREX bring?

    When we developed the platform, we put special emphasis on the confidential data exchange feature. Each and every investor and project developer undergoes a short plausibility check by us. This procedure is intended to prevent the placement of dubious offers by both parties. In addition, the investor's identity is revealed to the project developer only after the investor requests detailed information about a given project. In this way, investors avoid receiving unwanted enquiries. Project developers also benefit from the fact that, on the one hand, they can easily provide detailed information through RENEREX, but on the other hand, they retain full control as to with whom they share this information and how detailed it is.

    In short time, we will be expanding Renerex to include helpful guidelines on RE funding programmes as well as information about the most important funding programmes worldwide. It will also be coupled with the Market Overview, which will present the most important RE business models online.

  3. If I register, do I commit myself to anything or is the registration connected with any costs?

    Obviously: No! You commit yourself neither by registering as investor or project developer, nor by creating projects in the system or requesting more detailed information about projects. RENEREX is a completely free of charge platform by Rödl & Partner. If you wish, we will be happy to assist you with our services in a planned project transaction.

  4. How is data security handled?

    The RENEREX online platform is hosted on our own servers in Germany and is, therefore, subject to European data protection law, directives and standards. Of course, we use the data only for the registration process. The data is neither transferred nor used by third parties, whatsoever.

  5. What is the current status of RENEREX and how do you see its future?

    We are happy that already 230 users have registered with RENEREX. More than 100 investors have shown great interest in the currently announced projects from all over the world, which involve a total of 1,446 MW. RENEREX is not intensively advertised but we rather rely on building a small RENEREX community. From time to time we launch smaller campaigns but currently Renerex is growing virtually by itself. Thus, we encourage you to regularly visit the website.

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Kai Imolauer


+49 911 9193 3606

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