Casual self-employed workers - compulsory telematic communication from 1 May 2022


published on 5 May 2022 | reading time approx. 2 minutes

With the note n.573 of 28 March 2022, the National Labour Inspectorate has announced the availability on its Intenet website of the new platform, accessible through SPID or CIE, which can be used for the prior communication of occasional workers.

The Legislative Decree no. 146/2021 provided that principals, who operate as entrepreneurs, are obliged to communicate in advance the fundamental data relating to the service before starting the occasional self-employment collaboration. 

In the note no. 573 of 28 March 2022, the National Labour Inspectorate has provided indications on the telematic procedure for making the prior communication.

First of all, it is necessary to connect to the portal “Services Work” and log in through SPID or CIE (Electronic Identity Card) and then choose the application “Casual self-employment”. Once the “Casual self-employment” icon has been selected, it is necessary to choose the profile under which you wish to operate from the dedicated menu “choose for whom you want to operate”.

The platform is divided into 4 sections, and the information and data to be provided in each section are set out below: 

SECTION 1 – Communication

In the first section, the data of the client must be indicated: tax code, company name, address of the registered office, postcode, province and municipality.

SECTION 2 - Self-employed worker

In this section you must indicate the data of the taxpayers applying the regime of occasional services: 
  • the tax code, in case of foreign providers it is possible to flag “person without a tax code” and report foreign personal data;
  • the personal data, i.e. surname, first name, sex, date of birth, citizenship, state of birth, municipality of birth;
  • the details of the identity document, i.e. the state of issue and the number, or of the residence permit, i.e. the reason, number, police station of issue and expiry;
  • finally, the service provider's place of residence, namely address, postcode, state of residence, municipality of residence.

SECTION 3 - Employment relationship

In this section the following information is required: start date, duration within which the service is to be completed (in this case it is possible to choose between 7 days, 15 days and 30 days), description of the activity and estimated remuneration.

With regard to the duration within which the service is to be completed, the National Labour Inspectorate, in its note 573 of 28 March 2022, specified that if the work or service is not completed within the timeframe indicated in the communication, a new communication must be made.

SECTION 4 - Sending data

In the last section the data of the compiler are requested and in particular, the tax code and the email address.

Once the sending is completed, in this last section, the date of transmission of the communication and the relevant code will be reported.

Finally, the National Labour Inspectorate clarifies that the current procedure, which provides for sending the communication by email, can be used only until 30 April 2022. As from 1 May 2022, the only valid channel for fulfilling this obligation will be the telematic one, with the consequence that communications made by email cannot be considered valid.



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