The new Italian fiscal calendar from the year 2024


​​​​​​​published on 18 December 2023 | reading time approx. 3 minutes

The Legislative Decree concerning Rationalization and Simplification of the laws on Tax fulfillments, aims to partially revise the fiscal calendar for the submission of the tax returns and payments.

The article 11 of the aforementioned Legislative Decree provides the deadlines for submitting income and regional returns are anticipated. In particular, the deadline by which the tax returns can be submitted is brought forward by two months.

In fact, it is planned that as of the year 2024, the personal income, corporate and regional returns will be submitted telematically to the Tax Authority:
  • by 30 September (instead of the current 30 November) for natural persons, partnerships, limited partnerships and similar, while
  • by the last day of the ninth month following the end of the tax period (instead of the current eleventh month) for companies. Companies with a tax period that does not coincide with the calendar year will be able to submit their corporate income tax and regional returns for the tax period prior to the year ending 31 December 2023 in accordance with the previous deadlines.

In addition, the Legislative Decree provides that from the year 2025 the starting period for the submission of tax returns will be anticipated by one month, i.e. it will be possible to submit them from the 1st of April 2025 until the 30th of September.

The aim is to anticipate the checking activities of tax returns and consequently to reduce the time needed to obtain reimbursements.

Concerning the news on the tax payments that will be made from the year 2024, it should be noted that the decree provides for the following:
  1. the payment of taxes for the 2023 balance and the 2024 first advance may be extended until 16 December 2024 (now the current law provides that the payment of the balance and advance payment must be completed by November);
  2. if the monthly/quarterly periodic VAT payable is equal to Euro 100 or less (instead of the current Euro 25.82), payment of the VAT may be postponed to the following month/quarter, but in any case by 16 December of the same year;
  3. the total monthly amount of the withholding tax on self-employed income, if it does not exceed the threshold of Euro 100, may be paid cumulatively with that relating to the withholding tax for the following month, but at the latest by 16 December of the same year.

Further news include the implementation of the holiday suspension of notices issued by the Tax Authority not only in August, but also in December. The holiday suspension in December will apply to communications of the results of automated controls; communications of the results of formal controls; communications of the results of the settlement of taxes due on income subject to separate taxation; and compliance notices.



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