Rödl & Partner with a new corporate design


published on September 13, 2018


Rödl & Partner presents itself with a new, more modern corporate design. The changed appearance underlines our core brand values.


The visual make-over lets Rödl & Partner shine in new splendour. The new design of communication mediums distinctively manifests the self-image, values and effect of Rödl & Partner. It combines innovative spirit with security and at the same time contributes to the exciting field in which the firm operates in: Rödl & Partner is rational-factual and at the same time empathetic-emotional.


The logo and font were further developed as key design elements. New imagery as well as the adaptation of the colour world also contribute to the more modern brand image. The new design will be gradually applied to all print and subsequently all online communication media – from writing paper and newsletters to the homepage.    


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Laura Kupfberger

+49 911 9193 2833

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Julia Winkler

+49 911 9193 2726

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