Rödl & Partner 2020 with good results

  • Total turnover increases to 495.5 million euros
  • Domestic business climbs to 269.3 million euros


Nuremberg, 8 June 2021: Rödl & Partner maintains its continuous growth course in the financial year 2020. Despite the Corona pandemic and difficult economic conditions, total revenue rose to 495.5 million euros (previous year 490), with Germany accounting for 269.3 million euros (+2.02 percent). The professional services firm's clients are primarily internationally active German family businesses and Mittelstand companies. Rödl & Partner grows with them worldwide and accompanies them in an interdisciplinary manner with all five service lines.


Advisory and transactions as business drivers

The year 2020 was characterised by a great need for orientation and advisory due to the pandemic. Rödl & Partner adapted to this early on as a company and in its services offering. This made it possible to provide clients with advice and support in their respective areas of activity, even in challenging situations. The growth in turnover was fuelled by the various service lines of the professional services firm. Special mention goes to the area of tax consulting, which made a major contribution to growth in 2020. Further increases in turnover were generated by Rödl & Partner's clients' unbroken demand for interdisciplinary advisory services. As in previous years, the M&A business was a strong factor within the overall development. In 2020, Rödl & Partner assisted with more than 200 mandates in this area. Significant growth in the transaction business was recorded especially in the fourth quarter of 2020. The outlook for the M&A business is also extremely positive for the current financial year.


In addition to the entrepreneurial difficulties brought by the past year, it became clear that fundamental digitalisation is a decisive step towards overcoming the pandemic. As a firm, Rödl & Partner has long recognised the advantages of digital technology and has significantly developed all service lines with digital product solutions in terms of efficiency and flexibility. Thus, since the beginning of the Corona restrictions, Rödl & Partner has also been able to provide its full range of services "remotely" and on a mobile basis without any restrictions for its clientele.


Closely at the side of the Mittelstand

The German Mittelstand, which includes particularly dynamic family businesses as well as internationally active global market leaders, has demonstrated to be as flexible as it is successful in Corona times. Rödl & Partner stands by them closely in demanding times as a reliable caring partner and this is recognised.


"The global specialisation on companies from German-speaking countries in combination with our interdisciplinary advisory services and more than 100 of our own offices around the world is a unique selling point and has also proven itself under the conditions of 2020," comments Prof. Dr. Christian Rödl, Chairman of the Management Board of Rödl & Partner. "Overall, the market is developing in favour of broad-based professional services firms with Mittelstand DNA. Our Mittelstand shaped clients appreciate an agile 'caring partner' who focuses on holistic solutions and has an eye on the entire market," says Rödl. "Moreover, we are firmly anchored in the internationally oriented German Mittelstand. Our clients prefer both internationally and nationally the personal and comprehensive advice in the various disciplines from a single source that Rödl & Partner stands for."


"We can look back with satisfaction at the 2020 financial year and are confident for 2021. We are seeing a positive trend in all service lines, which gives cause for optimism overall," says Rödl.


The number of employees at Rödl & Partner increased minimally compared to the previous year and amounted to 5,130 at the end of last year, with Germany accounting for around 2,000 colleagues. "Worldwide, we are valued as an employer. Our own local colleagues play a major role for us. Through them, we can ensure the same high standard of advisory and support for our clients everywhere in the world," Rödl explains.



The 2020 business year was very much shaped by the Corona pandemic. There has been economic disruption in many markets around the world and only slowly can the many consequences be dealt with and compensated for.


"Some of our clients are still facing major obstacles. Rödl & Partner, as a Mittelstand shaped advisory firm, is active worldwide and we know very well what still lies ahead for the companies. We want to use our knowledge of the markets and its participants to help our clients strengthen their resilience and thus better position themselves for future endeavours. However, we also support numerous companies that have so far come through the pandemic very successfully with their robust business models, high willingness to invest and a good equity base", adds Christian Rödl.


Rödl & Partner turnover development 2010 to 2020

Since the company was founded in 1977, Rödl & Partner has continuously expanded its business activities: in the past ten years, total turnover has more than doubled.



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Petar Grujicic-Hauck

Deputy Head of Marketing, Communications and Business Development

+49 911 9193 2852

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