How to reconcile entrepreneurial expectations with reality abroad (2nd ed., 2014)


Financial reviews, experience and recommendations to control companies abroad

The second edition of the book “How to reconcile entrepreneurial expectations with reality abroad”, which was written by a team of more than 50 colleagues from 29 countries, is an impressive confirmation of the living philosophy of interdisciplinary and international collaboration at Rödl & Partner.
The book draws on the core expertise of our company, interdisciplinary consulting for German companies with international operations. We can now look back on more than 30 years of experience in this area. 
The accumulated expertise covers all of our business lines, i.e. legal and tax consulting to the same degree as management consulting and auditing.
In addition to a theoretical discussion on the subject of "How to manage companies abroad", you will find the greater part of the book dedicated to practical experience reports.


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Martin Wambach

Managing Partner

+49 221 9499 091 00

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