Municipal finances (double-entry)


Regardless of whether you prepare your municipal budget using double-entry accounting or fiscal accounting, the introduction of regular asset accounting in accordance with the law is the most important and difficult step on the way to a modern municipal accounting system. Due to its extensive experience with numerous references in the area of municipal asset accounting (acc. to the new municipal budget law in Baden-Württemberg and new municipal finance management system), Rödl & Partner is your ideal partner for the efficient and compliant management of your projects.
In addition to the sound methods to determine and valuate tangible fixed assets, the focus is on the introduction of control instruments and preparation of double-entry opening balance sheets, quality assurance for projects and the resulting compliance. This is achieved through extensive documentation, control of the project and review of the results through our highly qualified auditors. A host of specialists for the purpose of data capture and valuation ensure that our services offer you advantages in terms of quality, time and price.
Depending on the range of consulting services you require, our tailor-made offer for consulting services for you includes assistance ranging from the basic set-up of a project up to the complete contracting of all services


"Any time again! Starting with a survey of the quantity structure, Rödl & Partner carried out the recording and valuation of the building inventory and the infrastructure assets. With Rödl & Partner we managed to find a service provider in the true sense of the word which tackled the job and processed the projects in an exemplary manner with regard to time and content."

Mathilde Hagl, head of the administrative group for economics, finance and real estate in the German city of Freising.


"The cooperation with the building valuation experts from Rödl & Partner was pleasant and constructive for the complete duration of the project. Rödl & Partner has excellent technical expertise in the area of building valuation, which ensures the high level of the valuation documents it prepares and hands over."

Ulli Edelmann, project manager in the German city of Heidenheim for the introduction of the new municipal budget law in Baden-Württemberg.

Our services for you 

Establishment of a modern municipal fixed asset accounting

  • Status check of assets
  • Coaching to record and valuate assets
  • Partial or complete takeover of the recording and valuation of assets
  • Externally managed regular fixed asset accounting


Organisation and control of a modern municipality

  • Organisation of a modern accounting system
  • Establishment of a meaningful management accounting system
  • Performance-related controlling


Municipal balance sheet and annual financial statement

  • Compliant preparation of the opening balance sheet
  • Preparation of the annual financial statement
  • Elimination of backlogs with opening balance sheet and annual financial statement


Contact Person Picture

Markus Steger-Gühmann


+49 911 9193 3613

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