Real Estate International

Rödl & Partner advises on all issues regarding real estate and its management.

Project development companies

We support project development companies in the structuring and implementation of their international projects:
  • Structuring of projects according to tax and company law
  • Establishing of special-purpose vehicles
  • Drafting of general contractor/construction contracts
  • Structuring of project financing
  • Drafting of rental agreements
  • Real estate law (acquisition of land, examination of land registers)
  • Valuation of land and buildings
  • Ongoing legal and tax consulting services
  • Disposal of real estate through the transfer of shares in a special-purpose vehicle or through the transfer of real estate


Institutional investors

We support institutional investors on the structuring of participation models in connection with international real estate investments, with focus on the structuring of closed-end real estate investment trusts with an international portfolio.

Private investors

We support private investors on the structuring and implementation of real estate investment projects.

Banks and financial services providers

We support banks on the structuring and securing of real estate investments worldwide, with focus on the structuring and securing of loans granted by banks to local special-purpose vehicles to finance the implementation of international real estate investment projects.


Contact Person Picture

Dr. Hans Weggenmann

Managing Partner

+49 911 9193 1050

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