Risk Management – identifying and seizing opportunities

​​​​As the writer Carl Amery once put it, "Risk is the bow wave of success". If you want to identify and seize opportunities, you must manage your risks.
A distinctive feature of any successful business strategy is that it takes advantage of opportunities and assumes risks only if they are acceptable in economic and social terms. The controlling of risks, so-called “risk management", is one of the core tasks of a business. This is of utmost importance not only in the context of the company's sustainable development but is also one of the key requirements placed on the company and its management by their stockholders, shareholders, investors, creditors and employees.
Small- and medium-sized enterprises can benefit from professional risk control in three ways:
1. Integrated risk management produces substantial synergy effects, which in turn allows for cost reduction.
2. A company with an efficient risk management system in place can obtain easier credit financing
3. An efficient risk management system allows the company to comply with statutory requirements, which are being constantly tightened in the area of risk provisioning.
Please contact us if you would like learn more about our services in the area of risk management, early risk identification, internal revision and corporate compliance. We would be pleased to assist you.


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Prof. Dr. Christian Rödl, LL.M. (Columbia University, New York)

Managing Partner

+49 911 9193 1000

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