Notary office


Numerous legal transactions require a special legal form. Important transactions are subject to the condition of a notarial certification. This includes, for example, matters relating to company law and real estate law.
A notarial certification has a strict legal form which is recognised by law. The notary informs and instructs the parties to the document about these formal requirements and about the content and effects of the legal transaction which is to be certified. In addition, it should be ensured that legal transactions are clearly prepared, understandable and legally watertight for all those involved. In the course of the certification, the notary does not act on the side of one of the parties, but is always independent and impartial.
Using the services of its own notary in Herford, Rödl & Partner offers its clients the design and certification of contracts which are legally compliant. Our notary serves clients in Germany and other countries for all notarial matters and in particular in the areas of company law, real estate law and succession arrangements. Our lawyers work closely together in an interdisciplinary manner with our notary.
As far as there no co-operation prohibitions, a notarisation is possible through our notary to be able to guarantee the best possible implementation. In request, the notarisation can be made in the English language.


Our notary office supports you in the following areas: 

Company law

  • Founding of companies, in particular stock corporations (GmbH, AG)
  • Design and notarisation of company contracts (for the founding and with changes to the articles of incorporation)
  • Preparation and execution of resolutions and commercial register applications (e.g. appointment of managing directors, registration of authorized signatories and registration of forms of German companies such as eK, OHG and KG)
  • Increases in share capital
  • Notarisation of processes acc. to the German reorganisation of companies act
  • Notarisation of purchase agreements
  • Shareholder agreements / investment agreements

Real estate law

  • Preparation and notarisation of property purchase agreements / property transfers (incl. all auxiliary matters, e.g. land charges)
  • Founding of apartment associations, preparation and notarisation of declarations of division
  • All property transactions subject to notarisation

Inheritance law

  • Consulting for general inheritance law
  • Notarisation of last will and testament (simple will, joint will, "Berliner Testament", entrepreneur's last will) and inheritance contracts
  • Design of estate execution
  • Notarisation of waiving of inheritance
  • Notarisation of gift contracts, anticipated inheritance (use of tax-free allowances)
  • Auxiliary matters, e.g. power of attorney and living wills



Contact Person Picture

Thomas Lang


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