Capital market criminal law


Hardly any area of law is more regulated than capital market law. Highly complex mechanisms and regulations lead to an increased risk of criminal investigations. This is particularly the case when national and international or EU regulations play a role.


One example is insider trading. This term refers to the use of internal company information for stock exchange transactions in order to benefit from the transaction. Criminal offences and administrative offences can result from various laws, such as the InvStG, WpHG and the KWG.

We provide services in capital market criminal law across a range of matters, including:

  • Assistance in dealing with the authorities in situations where punishment is possible;
  • Conflict resolution, including defence in the event of violations of the Securities Trading Act and the Money Laundering Act;
  • Assistance in cases of investigations by the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin);
  • Risk analysis and prevention with focus on the implementation of European legal requirements.


Contact Person Picture

Ulrike Grube


+49 911 9193 1999

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