Automation of data-intensive processes


 Automation of data-intensive processes

Digitization has become increasingly important in companies in recent years. Nevertheless, a large number of data-intensive processes are executed without being mapped in the ERP. The tool of choice for this: Excel.

Up to a certain point, Excel is a suitable tool for companies: Requirements can be met quickly and pragmatically by business departments directly. However, with repeated process iterations and increasing process complexity, such Excel approaches reach their limits. Our solution: modern ETL tools, such as SAP BW/4HANA, with a focus on data processing.

 Challenges in your company


 Our approach is your benefit

With data warehouse systems, you benefit from flexibility and autonomy. Data warehouses, such as SAP BW/4HANA, are more flexible for data processing due to standardized ETL components than standard software and individual implementations. They also offer the possibility to use the system for more. We design and develop the system for your company. Your colleagues and you can use and maintain it independently - without external consultants.


Contact Person Picture

Jens Hinkelmann

Head of service line Management and IT consulting


+49 911 1807 8710

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