Obtaining binding commitments from the fiscal authorities


Subsequent to an external audit you can request a binding commitment from the fiscal authorities which defines how certain facts already audited in the past are to be treated from a tax point of view in future. For this purpose the tax treatment of the respective business measures is of some importance. The fiscal authorities may only refuse the application for a binding commitment in exceptional cases. It is binding provided the facts of the case have not changed.
In this way we can provide a secure base for your future entrepreneurial activities.
Companies and entrepreneurs wish to have security regarding their tax planning and not just after external audits. In this case, however, the points in question should concern legal issues. Our experienced experts will be happy to obtain a binding commitment from the fiscal authorities.


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Dr. Rolf Leuner


+49 911 9193 1212

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Dr. Hans Weggenmann

Managing Partner

+49 911 9193 1050

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