Corporate group reorganisation


Rödl & Partner supports medium-sized and large, national as well as international companies in almost all fields with reorganisation processes, transformations and restructuring.


Independent of tax arrangements, a reorganisation of the corporate group may be necessary, for example, due to a strategic realignment such as the development of new market segments or changes to holding and corporate group structures. Furthermore, a reorganisation can make sense to reduce obligations with regard to publication of the annual financial statement and avoid restrictions to codetermination rights. A reason for a reorganisation can also be the restructuring of the group. In this case our experts develop customised solutions for your individual requirements.


Rödl & Partner offers special support for the following reorganisation and transformation measures:

  • company mergers, also cross-border, through amalgamation and consolidation
  • establishment of joint venture structures
  • splitting and spinning-off of company divisions


Our specialists provide comprehensive legal and tax consulting services including preparation of the right tax concept, coordination with the financial authorities, contractual design and implementation of reorganisation measures. If necessary, we co-ordinate with our colleagues worldwide.


Contact Person Picture

Dr. Susanne Kölbl


+49 8992 8780 553

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Contact Person Picture

Prof. Dr. Florian Haase, M.I.Tax

Partner, Office head

+49 40 2292 975 20

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