Controlling for energy suppliers

Energy suppliers are constantly faced with growing challenges and ever more complex tasks. Therefore for a company to be successful it is essential that the decision-maker always has the latest information on the progress of the company or individual divisions and can actively shape future developments. In order to realise this, a controlling system is essential which is especially designed to meet the requirements of the company.
In particular the increasing competition to win electricity or gas customers, regulation of the power grid designed to increase efficiency and the reorganisation of the power generation possibilities away from large-sized power stations over to decentralised regenerative energy generation is a challenge for the energy supply companies which requires a controlled management of resources and promotes transparency. The profitability of the company will usually depend on how well the utility can adapt to meet these challenges and the ability of the company to control internal processes.
In order to meet the challenge of the increasing competition for gas and electricity customers, a controlling system is required on the energy distribution and procurement side which takes the competition into account.
Incentive-based regulation links the return on investment of the power grid operator to its cost efficiency and prescribes successive increases in efficiency. This leads to the highest level of cost transparency at the electricity suppliers in order to respectively control costs and secure the profitability of the business in the power grid.
Due to the fact that the power grid costs in the base year are periodically determined in the course of a cost audit, the power grid operator is faced with the question of how investments and measures in grid operation can best be managed within the revenue ceiling. In this respect controlling determines the time and extent of measures which should be carried out in order to continuously achieve a reasonable rate of return.
In the capital intensive power generation industry planned investment measures have to be analysed in detail and after commissioning of the plant the revenues and costs have to be monitored and controlled in order to realise the expected rate of return.
Every month or quarter, controlling prepares reports for the decision-makers of the company for the purpose of company planning. In particular the integrated company planning including all relevant sub plans (e.g. sales, procurement, productions, personnel, investment and financial plans) is an important part of strategic controlling and implements your strategic targets into monetary values.
With the establishment of a suitable key indicator system, in consultation with you we develop a controlling and early warning system and create a sound basis for the taking of decisions. This allows you to control, plan, measure and if necessary correct your company development.
Our future-oriented, individual and integrated controlling concept includes the operational and strategic control of the company:
Operational controlling uses appropriate tools to identify the productivity of the company divisions and enable transparency via service relationships, revenues and costs in order to control budgets for investments and measures. Strategic controlling translates the objectives of the company into monetary values and adherence to these objectives is monitored. In the case of deviations, the management can react accordingly and introduce corrective measures.
The implementation of a controlling system and its integration in an existing IT system is made according to a clear structure:
Assessment of current situation: inclusion and documentation of all existing and relevant information about the controlling system.
Assessment of current situation and preparation of a profile of the strengths and weaknesses of your controlling.
Transparent representation of required actions and derivation of a controlling system which is specifically designed to meet the needs of the company.
Support for the implementation of the controlling system in the company.
In parallel to the introduction of the new controlling system we train your employees on how to handle the controlling instruments.


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Christoph Beer


+49 911 9193 3600

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Markus Mrozyk

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+49 221 9499 093 03

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