Strategy consulting


Strategy consulting for energy suppliers

Strategy can be described as the decisive setting of policy which guides the development of the company. It is the direction decided upon which enables you to achieve your company targets and enjoy commercial success.
The increasing complexity and dynamism of the energy supply industry require an intensive examination of corporate strategy with the ultimate objective of securing the long-term success of the company. The experience of Rödl & Partner gained from many successful consulting projects and our interdisciplinary consulting approach enables us to offer you valuable and focussed support for the development of your corporate strategy.
At the start of our cooperation our first priority is to get to know your ideas and expectations. Based on this we then together develop the precise content of the project. In this process we maintain a clear strategic target and always consider your human and financial resources, support you with communication with the stakeholders of your company and assist you with the practical implementation of the strategy. We attach great importance to the exact tailoring of the strategy to the individual company and ensure that implementation is feasible.
We support your strategy development and implementation in particular with the following services:

Analysis of the market and competition

The decisive conditions for the success of each company are sound knowledge of markets relevant for the company and information on the main competitors. This requires a deep understanding of the functions, opportunities, risks and main factors which influence the market. Equally important is an analysis of the business models of competitors, their strengths and weaknesses, and their products. Rödl & Partner offers comprehensive market and competition analysis to provide important and sound information for the building of your strategy, for example, on:
  • Market size
  • Market growth
  • Market development
  • Trends
  • Market potential
  • Competitors
  • Customer segments
  • Selling and procurement conditions
  • Market risks
  • Development of business plans

Starting with your business model, your strategy and your targets, in consultation with you we develop an integrated business plan including all the relevant components (e.g. distribution plan, procurement plan, production plan, personnel plan, investment and financial plans). This allows you to transform your strategic objectives into monetary values and measure the success of your expectations. Our business plans regularly convince equity providers, banks and co-operation partners.

Identification and development of new and complementary areas of business

In order for you to maintain your success in the market and remain competitive, we identify potential areas of business which fit in with your product range and areas of expertise. This allows you to benefit from the positive effects of synergy and to expand your offer with further profitable products. Changes in the energy industry have led to synergy between the following areas:
  • Energy generation 
  • Renewable energy
  • Concessions and grid takeovers
  • Energy efficiency consulting/contracting
  • Smart metering
  • Smart grids
Taking your financial and human resources into account, in consultation with you we develop a market entry strategy and on request assist you with its implementation.

Simulation calculations

With the aid of selected value drivers and key factors of your business model we simulate various development scenarios. This enables us to test the pillars of your business model and also to identify potential opportunities and risks at an early stage.


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Anton Berger


+49 911 9193 3601

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Christoph Beer


+49 911 9193 3600

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