Business Process Outsourcing – Creating freedom



As the structure of a company becomes more complex, the prompt availability of reliable and meaningful data to support the management of a company also gains importance. A modern and efficient reporting system is therefore a basic requirement for the long-term success of the company. Particularly in an international context this is not easy to achieve as usually employees familiar with the reporting systems, terminology and the specific requirements of the company management are only available to a limited extent at the international locations.
Therefore, our clients increasingly outsource parts or all of the business processes at the international locations to us. The cross-border cooperation with us guarantees the standardisation of processes and a lean coordination structure.

We are present around the world wherever you are and provide the necessary administrative infrastructure with all the associated services at your international locations. You can rely on our country-specific expertise and experience in dealing with cross-border issues. With our support you can manage and control your global distribution structure from your home location - at minimal cost and with minimal coordination effort.

The services we offer include:

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Renata Kabas-Komorniczak

Managing Partner

+48 22 6962 800

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Ulrich Schäfer


+49 911 9193 3066

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